SwiftUI’s core component, Text, is used to display and input text in our apps. It is a view from the SwiftUI framework that symbolizes a line of text.
A string of text can be displayed in our user interface using SwiftUI’s Text view. By providing a string as the argument to its initializer, we may construct a Text view:
Text("Hello, World!")
Text that is kept in our view’s String property can also be displayed using the Text view:
struct ContentView: View {
let message: String
var body: some View {
The Text view includes a number of modifiers that we can use to alter how it looks and behaves in addition to displaying text.
We can modify the text’s font using this modification. To indicate the preferred font, a Font value can be passed as an input. To use the system’s huge title font, for instance, we can use .largeTitle:
Text("Hello, World!")
Making use of the initializer Font.custom(:size:), we can also design a unique font. This initializer accepts two arguments, the font’s name and the preferred font size:
let customFont = Font.custom("Avenir", size: 24)
Text("Hello, World!")
We can modify the text’s color using this modification. We can indicate the preferred color by passing in a Color value as an input. For instance, to make the text red, we can use the .red color:
Text("Hello, World!")
Using the initializer Color(red:green:blue:opacity:), we can also create a unique color. This initializer requires red, green, and blue channel values in the range of 0 and 1, as well as an opacity value in the range of 0 and 1:
let customColor = Color(red: 0.5, green: 0.2, blue: 0.9, opacity: 1)
Text("Hello, World!")
By using this modification, we can restrict the number of text lines that are displayed. A Text view always shows the entire text that it contains by default. However, we may supply a value as an argument to this modifier if we wish to restrict the number of lines. For instance, we can use the code below to make the content only two lines long:
Text("Hello, World!")
The text will be truncated and an ellipsis (…) will be displayed at the end if it has more lines than the number given by this modification.
With the help of this modification, we may align the text in a multi-line Text view. The text is oriented to the left by default. However, we can change the alignment by using this modification. For instance, we may use the following code to center the text:
Text("Hello, World!")
Additionally, we can use .leading to align text to the left, .trailing to align text to the right, or .justified to justify text.
We can alter the gap between lines of text using this modification. The lines are uniformly spaced by default. The modifier can, however, be used to specify a different line spacing. For instance, we can use the following code to add 10 points of space between each line of text:
Text("Hello, World!")
This modifier controls how the text is truncated when it exceeds the bounds of the Text view. By default, the text is truncated at the end and an ellipsis (…) is displayed. However, we can use this modifier to specify a different truncation mode. For example, to truncate the text at the beginning and display an ellipsis at the start, we can use the following code:
Text("Hello, World!")
We can also use .middle to truncate the text in the middle and display ellipses on both ends, or .tail to truncate at the end and display an ellipsis (the default behavior).